Saturday, March 26, 2011


I'd have to say that so far, my weekend has been painfully boring. My dad did take me to Best Buy yesterday to get my edition of the Sims Medieval, which is fun don't get me wrong, but after like ten hours of playing it consecutively, it just starts to get old. Yeah. So what am I supposed to do? I'd really like to make my own website to roleplay on, because I know what I want and it's pretty specific, but then there's the hassle of advertising and getting people to join and STAY members. And then there's the fact that I've got like seven characters on another site, and it's just sheer madness - I wish my muse weren't so persnickety all the time.

I just finished watching The Tourist with my parents - I'm not going to say that it was the best movie that I've ever seen, primarily because it isn't really my style - but I love Johnny Depp, and Angelina Jolie too (I get compared to her a lot, actually, something to do with our faces looking similar), so I'm going to say that out of five stars, the movie got between a three-point-five and a four. It wasn't bad - The plot was interesting enough, and I'm not going to lie and say that I completely called the ending - I was guessing at it, but I wasn't surefire about it. Maybe it's just because it's not my style, maybe it's because I thought the character development was a little underdone, I don't know. It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but I enjoyed it. I feel so weird because I think that, as a writer, I tend to judge movies really harshly - I mean, I can't help it, but hey, at least I'm pretty straightforward about what I think, right?

I still really want to go see Sucker Punch, like seriously - but lucky for me, Monday is a protected teacher's work day here, so I have off. HA! Take that, establishment. I might actually get to go see it at some point this weekend after all.

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